Article Information:
Perspective of the Comparison between Fuzzy Dates Based on Geographical Information Systems
R. Saneifard and E. Abbasi
Corresponding Author: R. Saneifard
Submitted: October 15, 2011
Accepted: December 20, 2011
Published: April 15, 2012 |
Many methods have been proposed for managing of fuzzy numbers. How ever, these methods just
can apply to compare some types of fuzzy numbers and other comparing cases can just rank by their graph,
intuitively. Therefore, using proper methods is important in proper conditions constructing ranking indexes
since the centroid of fuzzy numbers is an important case. In this study, we present a modified method for
ordering fuzzy numbers. Some applications, which constitute a step in the evaluation of the evolution of Reims
during the domination of the Roman Empire, illustrate the use of the anteriority index.
Key words: Centroid point, distance method, fuzzy risk analysis, ranking methods, standard deviations, ,
Cite this Reference:
R. Saneifard and E. Abbasi, . Perspective of the Comparison between Fuzzy Dates Based on Geographical Information Systems. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (08): 914-918.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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