Article Information:
A New Method in the Location Problem using Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning
Sh. Rahgan and A. Mirzazadeh
Corresponding Author: Sh. Rahgan
Submitted: March 19, 2012
Accepted: April 10, 2012
Published: November 15, 2012 |
One of the most important factors leading to the success of a company is its location. Branches have
a strategic importance on an organization’s performance and its competitiveness. The purpose of this study is
to present a decision-making model for selecting the most appropriate location for a bank branch. This research
is the first study in the bank branch location researches considering various types of uncertainties. This model
involves both quantitative and qualitative attributes as well as various types of uncertainty. So, we propose a
methodology by integrating the fuzzy AHP and Evidential Reasoning approach. The fuzzy extent analysis is
used to determine the weights of attributes and sub-attributes and the interval ER algorithm is used to rank the
alternatives. This methodology can be used to help the decision makers, because it is capable of handling
incomplete and imprecise judgments. We have demonstrated the applicability of the methodology through a
case study.
Key words: Bank branches, decision with uncertainties, evidence theory, fuzzy AHP, location, Multiple Attribute Decision Analysis (MADA),
Cite this Reference:
Sh. Rahgan and A. Mirzazadeh, . A New Method in the Location Problem using Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (22): 4636-4645.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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