Article Information:
Numerical Simulation of the Mass Flow of Leachate in a Municipal Solid Waste Fill (Part 3) - Leaked Vertical Flow Systems
Olayiwola A.G. Oni
Corresponding Author: Olayiwola Oni
Submitted: 2010 June, 02
Accepted: 2010 June, 23
Published: 2010 August, 01 |
This study reports the simulation technique and the visualisation of the temporal vertical mass flow
and leakages in waste layers and gravel bed of a municipal solid waste fill. Visual comparison of the cumulative
mass leakage with optimal leachate mass flow in each waste layer enables the negative consequence of seepage
of any highly toxic leachate to be mentally comprehended. The impact of the mass leakage appears to be
influenced not necessarily by the location of the seepage pore but by its volume, and also distance from the
source of the solute contamination. The simulation results necessitate the need for an effective leachate
monitoring system within and in the vicinity of a waste landfill. The findings will be of utmost usefulness to
the stakeholders of solid waste landfill in both developed and developing countries.
Key words: Environment, municipal waste, leachate solute, leakage, simulation, waste layers,
Cite this Reference:
Olayiwola A.G. Oni, . Numerical Simulation of the Mass Flow of Leachate in a Municipal Solid Waste Fill (Part 3) - Leaked Vertical Flow Systems. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (5): Page No: 480-486.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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