Article Information:
Enhanced Wireless Network Ad Hoc Pattern
M. Kamalakannan and V. Khanaa
Corresponding Author: M. Kamalakannan
Submitted: January 10, 2012
Accepted: March 02, 2012
Published: June 01, 2012 |
Early simulation experience with wireless ad hoc networks suggests that their capacity can be
surprisingly low, due to the requirement that nodes forward each others’ packets. The achievable capacity
depends on network size, traffic patterns and detailed local radio interactions. This study examines these factors
alone and in combination, using simulation and analysis from first principles. Our results include both specific
constants and general relationship Scaling helpful in understanding the limitations of wireless ad hoc networks.
We examine interactions of the 802.11 MAC and ad hoc forwarding and the effect on capacity for several
simple configurations and traffic patterns. While 802.11 discovers reasonably good schedules, we nonetheless
observe capacities markedly less than optimal for very simple chain and lattice networks with very regular
traffic patterns. We validate some simulation results with experiments. We also show that the traffic pattern
determines whether an ad hoc network’s per node capacity will scale to large networks. In particular, we show
that for total capacity to scale up with network size the average distance between source and destination nodes
must remain small as the network grows. Nonlocal traffic patterns in which this average distance grows with
the network size result in a rapid decrease of per node capacity.
Key words: Ad-Hoc network, authentication, network allocation route, optimization, security, wireless,
Cite this Reference:
M. Kamalakannan and V. Khanaa, . Enhanced Wireless Network Ad Hoc Pattern. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (11): 1566-1573.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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