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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2012(Vol.4, Issue:4)
Article Information:

Effect of the Overcrowding Stress on Fundus of Stomach in Adult Male Albino Rats

Maisa Mohammad Amin Al-Qudah
Corresponding Author:  Maisa M Al-Qudah 
Submitted: March 19, 2012
Accepted: April 10, 2012
Published: July 10, 2012
Overcrowding as a chronic source of stress constituted a major threat to psychological well-being. Dense populations were characterized by considerably increased aggressive behavior . The present study aimed to examine the effect of overcrowding stress on the histology of fundus and fundic glands of male albino rats .Ten animals were used in this study divided into two groups: control group (group A) was formed of 5 animals and experimental group (group B) was formed of 5 animals that were subjected to overcrowding. The rats were kept in the overcrowded condition continuously for 4 h/day, for a period of 7 days. at the end of the experiment stomach specimens were obtained, processed and subjected to different histological techniques. All the layers of stomach were affected in rats exposed to overcrowding stress conditions. Overcrowding stress led to desquamation, necrosis and ulceration of gastric epithelium. Mononuclear cellular infiltrate and congested blood vessels were also noted in lamina propria. Necrosis in mucosa was the prominent histological change when the effect reached the maximum. It could be concluded that overcrowding stress lead to gastric mucosal damage represented by necrosis and ulceration. Moreover, the other layers of fundus were affected such as muscularis.

Key words:  Fundic glands, histology, light microscope, overcrowding, rats, stomach,
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Cite this Reference:
Maisa Mohammad Amin Al-Qudah, . Effect of the Overcrowding Stress on Fundus of Stomach in Adult Male Albino Rats. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (4): 482-487.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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