Article Information:
Simple K_Sample Rank Tests for Umbrella Alternatives
Sharada V. Bhat
Corresponding Author: Sharada V.Bhat
Submitted: 2009 July, 16
Accepted: 2009 August, 17
Published: |
Distribution-free tests are proposed to test the homogeneity of k-samples against umbrella
alternatives when the point of umbrella is known. The tests are simple to compute and hence are useful for
practical purposes. They are based on two-sample Mann-Whitney U-statistics and can be treated as the
competitors to a test due to Mack and W olfe. The distributional properties of the tests have been derived and
their performances in terms of Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency are discussed.
Key words: Asymptotic relative efficiency, distribution-free, efficacy, homogeneity, U-statistics, ,
Cite this Reference:
Sharada V. Bhat, . Simple K_Sample Rank Tests for Umbrella Alternatives. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (1): Page No: 27-29.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7505
ISSN (Print): 2042-2024 |
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