Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis of Cast Iron Water Pipes for Agricultural Food Irrigation
Yanling Ni
Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan 430205, P.R. China
Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014 7:867-872
Received: March 14, 2014 | Accepted: April 15, 2014 | Published: July 10, 2014
This study aims to investigate the reliability and sensitivity of cast iron water pipes for agricultural food irrigation. The Monte Carlo simulation method is used for fracture assessment and reliability analysis of cast iron pipes for agricultural food irrigation. Fracture toughness is considered as a limit state function for corrosion affected cast iron pipes. Then the influence of failure mode on the probability of pipe failure has been discussed. Sensitivity analysis also is carried out to show the effect of changing basic parameters on the reliability and life time of the pipe. The analysis results show that the applied methodology can consider different random variables for estimating of life time of the pipe and it can also provide scientific guidance for rehabilitation and maintenance plans for agricultural food irrigation. In addition, the results of the failure and reliability analysis in this study can be useful for designing of more reliable new pipeline systems for agricultural food irrigation.
Agricultural food irrigation, cast iron pipes, life time prediction, life time prediction,
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