Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Contribution to the Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of the Two Materials at the Base of Clay Reinforced by Fibers ALFA and of Straw Fibers
1Yassine El hamdouni, 1Abdelhamid Khabbazi, 1Chaimaa Benayad, 2Abdellah Dadi and 3Oumar Idriss Ahmid.
1Université Med V-Agdal, Ecole Mohamedia d'Ingénieurs, Laboratoire Énergétique, Matériaux et Environnement, 227 Avenue Prince héritier EST-Salé, Maroc
2Institut Universitaire des Sciences et Techniques, Abeche, Tchad
3Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Appliques Université de N’djaud, N’djamud, Tchad
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 4:490-497
Received: September ‎28, ‎2015 | Accepted: October ‎30, ‎2015 | Published: February 25, 2016
This study is part of the valuation of local materials such as clay (earth) and alfa in the region of northern Morocco, with the aim of using them as building brick walls. These materials are abundant natural and renewable. Objective of this work is to study the thermal and mechanical behavior of a new material by mixing the Clay (chosen as linking) with different percentages of mass fiber alfa (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4%, respectively) and to compare these results with those of material often used in the construction of individual houses in the rural area of Morocco (clay+straw). The results obtained, we will deduct that the incorporation of straw fibers can lower the thermal conductivity compared to fibers alfa which allows to have an energy economy of 2℅ to 7℅., In part against the fibers alfa can improve the mechanical behavior of material to clay base in comparison with the material (clay+ straw) (An increase of 8℅ to 17℅ for the tractive resistance by bending and 6℅ to 18℅ for the resistance to compression).
Alfa, clay, mechanical straw, propertie, thermal conductivity,
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