Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Thermal Inertia and Thermal Properties of the Composite Material Clay-plastic
1Soumia Mounir, 1Abdelhamid Khabbazi, 1Youssef Maaloufa, 2Asmae Khaldoun and 1Yassine Hamdouni
1LEME, University Mohamed V-Agdal, EST Sale, 227 Avenue Prince Héritier, Sale, Maroc
2Al Akhawayn University, Avenue Hassan II, BP 104, 53000 Ifrane, Maroc
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 5:507-515
Received: July ‎13, ‎2015 | Accepted: August ‎30, ‎2015 | Published: March 05, 2016
Improving insulation building materials with low energy consumption becomes an obligation so as to reduce the heat energy of houses. For this purpose, a series of experimental studies were performed on composite clay-plastic. The first step in this study is the chemical characterization of clay using the fluorescence X method. The second step is thermal characterization of clay alone and the composites clay-plastic using the asymmetrical hot plate and Flash methods. The third step in the work is the verification of thermal conductivity using different theoretical models. The fourth step in this study is the study of thermal Inertia of walls done from the composite clay-plastic. Finally a study of delay of temperature, heat flow and damping factor for a wall done from those composites were conducted. The obtained results indicate that this composite presents interesting characteristics in term of insulation and thermal Inertia.
Clay-plastic, flash method, hot plate method, material insulation, thermal conductivity, thermal inertia,
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