Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
The Effect of Annealing Temperature and Roller Burnishing on the Microhardness and Surface Quality of AISI 3115 Alloy Steel
Ubeidulla F. Al-Qawabeha
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tafila Technical University,
Tafila, Jordon
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 6:442-447
Received: June ‎24, ‎2015 | Accepted: August ‎22, ‎2015 | Published: September 15, 2016
This study presents the effect of annealing and roller burnishing processes on the surface properties of AISI 3115 alloy steel. This steel was heat-treated at a temperature range of (700-850)°C, then left to cool inside the furnace. After that the steel was burnished with different forces, feeds and burnishing speeds. The microhardness, average surface roughness and microstructure were investigated. The experimental results of annealing revealed that hardness increases as the annealing temperature increase, where the burnishing results revealed that microhardness increases with increasing the applied force and feed. However, increasing the spindle speed increases the microhardness to certain limit. After that, any increase in spindle speed results in a decrease in the microhardness. The effect of burnishing process on the surface roughness was also studied. The results showed that surface roughness decreases with increasing of force and with feed up to certain limit and inversely with increasing of spindle speed.
Burnishing process, heat treatment , microhardness , microstructure , surface roughness,
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