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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Influence of pH in Mechanical Properties of Conductive Polymers Synthesized from Cassava Starch

1Alvaro Arrieta, 2Rafael Tuiran and 3Miguel Montoya
1Department of Biology and Chemical, Universidad de Sucre, Cra. 28 No 5-267, Sincelejo 700008
2Department of Mechanical Engineering
3Research Group in Development and Application of New Materials, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Cra. 6 No.97a- 99, Monter
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology  2017  4:155-160
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.14.4159  |  © The Author(s) 2017
Received: January 1, 2017  |  Accepted: March 19,2017  |  Published: April 15, 2017


This study presents experimental investigation on synthesis of conducting polymer films made from cassava starch with the purpose of evaluating the influence of pH on some mechanical and physicochemical properties. Starch increases the mechanical integrity in biodegradable conductor polymers used like sensors, but there are some others potential factors influencing mechanical properties like plasticizers, additives and process conditions. No previous works report the quantitative effect of pH on mechanical properties of cassava starch’s film. Glycerol, glutaraldehyde and polyethylenglycol were used as plasticizers. To obtain acid and basic films, pH was modified by HCl and NaOH. Seven different pH levels were reached, in order to evaluate tensile strength, ductility and elastic module. Tensile tests were developed according to the ASTM D638 norm. Clear influence of pH in these mechanical properties was found; which is shown through a regression that relates ductility with a pH input. This research concludes that is possible to modify the mechanical strength or flexibility of the films by changing pH, which is in general terms a practical process. Acid films have a higher elastic module (50-70 MPa) than polymers with basic pH (15-25 MPa). Basic films’ deformation shows higher values than acid films; the first ones reach 0.95 mm/mm of deformation and the second ones have average values of 0.3 mm/mm.


Cassava starch, ductility, elastic module, pH, tensile strength,


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The authors have no competing interests.

ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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