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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Switched Control for the Walking of a Compass Gait Biped Robot

1Walid Arouri, 2Elyes Maherzi, 2Mongi Besbes and 1Safya Belghith
1National School of Engineers of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
2Signals and Mechatronic Systems, High School of Technology and Computer Science, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology  2014  19:4143-4149
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.7.779  |  © The Author(s) 2014
Received: December 21, 2013  |  Accepted: January 16, 2014  |  Published: May 15, 2014


This study presents a new approach for modeling and controlling of a compass gait biped robot based on the use of the switched systems. The linearization of the equations stemming from the formalism of Lagrange allows the construction of a set of local models used to describe the behavior of this non linear system. The selection of each model depends on its activation function depending on the system states. The synthesis of the stability of the walking robot is based on the use of second method of Lyapunov. The synthesis approach leads to a set of bilinear matrices inequalities non resolvable by actual numerical solvers. To come over these difficulties, some relaxations are brought to get useful and exploitable numerical solutions.


Bilinear Matrix Inequalities (BMI), Lagrange formulation, Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI), lyapunov method, relaxation, stability, switched system,


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The authors have no competing interests.

ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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