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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Design of Soft Switching Interleaved Boost Converter for Photovoltaic Application

1J. Prakash and 2Sarat Kumar Sahoo
1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, R.M.K. College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
2School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology  2015  4:296-308
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.9.1408  |  © The Author(s) 2015
Received: August ‎31, ‎2014  |  Accepted: November ‎13, ‎2014  |  Published: February 05, 2015


The objective of our study is to reduce the size of passive components and reduction of ripple in output voltage and input current by using interleaved soft switching dc-dc converter (interleaving action). The PV system converts solar energy into electrical energy but its output varies with variation of solar radiation and temperature. To provide impedance matching between PV and load a dc-dc converter with MPPT technique is used in PV (Photo Voltaic) Systems. This study incorporates design of the interleaved soft switching dc-dc converter for PV System by using P&O (Perturb and Observe) fuzzy logic controller. The P&O Fuzzy MPPT provides an accurate and fast converging under varying illumination and load conditions compared to conventional MPPT methods. The performance of the system is first analyzed by simulation using Matlab/Simulink software. The results of simulation were compared and analyzed.


Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), perturb and observe, photovoltaic system,


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